Executive Summary

The NFL season plans to start in the middle of the pandemic and protocol is necessary for if players get sick. It is the job of the project manager for pandemic preparedness to achieve efficient testing levels, mitigate the number of players that get sick, and manage the players that get sick. Each team will do this process slightly differently, and this paper focuses on the NY Jets in particular. This includes managing hospitable living, safe travel conditions, and player adherence to the regulations in place. It is the project manager’s responsibility to make sure there are adequate measures in place so the players that get sick can return to the field as quickly as possible. If done correctly the season can begin in a safe and well-controlled manner.

The New York Jets are getting ready for the 2020 season, and there is immense pressure to ensure that players remain healthy throughout the season. COVID-19 has ravaged the sports world, and the logistical probability of a successful season is dubious. As project manager of the New York Jets Pandemic Preparedness Team (PPT), it is my duty to maximize the likelihood of the Jets completing the 2020 season with little to no exposure to the virus. This is a difficult task and it will require a well-integrated, cross-functional team to manage risks and design protocol that can keep the players, coaches, and staff safe.

To best understand the procedures that do and do not work, it is imperative that we look at how other sports institutions (e.g. NBA, MLB) have managed their teams during this crisis. As we analyze each sport, we need to ask a variety of questions to establish which methods provide the safest results. Where are these players living? Who are these players interacting with on and off the field? How and at what capacity are they traveling? How frequently are these players being tested? How are positively tested players managed? Are there consequences for players not adhering to the restrictions? Are masks mandatory or optional? A project manager must ask these questions to assess the strength of weakness of similar management and decide how to emulate what works and refrain from what does not.

The MLB and NBA have both resumed their season, yet multiple issues have plagued each respective sport. The MLB, which compared to the NFL is practically a non-contact sport, has already seen 2 teams decimated by the virus. The Miami Marlins have reported 17 players and 2 coaches infected, while the St. Louis Cardinals have reported 13 players infected. Under current MLB protocol, players are not required to quarantine and the official statement of the MLB was “[the] MLB will not formally restrict the activities of Covered Individuals when they are away from Club facilities but will expect the Covered Individuals on each Club to ensure that they all act responsibly” [1]. This procedure puts the responsibility of avoiding COVID entirely on the players and attempts to spare management from culpability. Our project team will hold all players accountable on and off the field. As for the testing requirements of the MLB, they have been quite stringent. Saliva tests of players and personnel are required every other day, any person with a temperature over 100.4 will not be allowed in the ballpark and any person who tests positive must “test negative twice at least 24 hours apart and not exhibit a fever for 72 hours” before being allowed back to work. [3] This protocol has so far been successful at detecting COVID-19 cases and isolating those infected. Lastly, MLB safety protocol requires masks to be worn in the dugout, but they remain optional on the field [4]. This has made the games themselves a reasonably safe environment. However, one theory for the rampant contractions by single teams has been rain delay procedure. During rain delays, the entire team and staff are cramped in the clubhouse for hours with no ability to maintain social distancing [1]. There is no monitoring taking place that ensures masks are worn in these conditions. Thus, it is most likely that either contact within the clubhouse or off the field contact has led to the rampant contraction of the disease in most instances. In the event of any inclement weather, it will be the job of the PPT to ensure masks stay on and they maintain social distancing.

To resume the NBA season in a safe and robust manner, the NBA has taken additional precautions compared to the MLB, to assure the players and personnel have the best chance of avoiding infection. The NBA bubble was designed so that all players (17 per team) of the 22 remaining teams will stay in the Grand Destino Disney Hotel in Orlando and must test negatively twice, 48 hours apart, before they are allowed within the bubble. In the event someone leaves the bubble, they are required to quarantine for at least 10 days before readmittance is allowed. Additionally, players will not be allowed in other players’ hotel rooms and are required to wear masks in the common area unless eating or exercising [5]. Social distancing and regular temperature tests are strictly enforced as well. This protocol has been relatively effective so far. However, given the celebrity status of many of these players, there have been instances of non-authorized personnel entering the bubble.  Luckily, there has yet to be any outbreaks within the bubble. If a player does contract the illness, there is also isolation housing set up that positively tested players are required to go to until they again test negative twice [5]. Though adopting the NBA’s strategy to the NFL could prove fruitful, and since the NBA bubble is only for the playoffs, it is a much shorter duration than the NFL season and the lack of travel makes for a safer environment. It might prove incredibly challenging to maintain a safe bubble for the New York Jets for 4 months in addition to traveling cross-country to different living quarters. As a project manager, it is my duty to identify the positive aspects of both trials and adapt them to the demands and restraints of the NFL.

It is my job to achieve efficient testing levels, mitigate the number of players that get sick, and manage the players that do get sick. This will require me to establish a well-integrated team that can help devise a workable game plan and adequately operate within the parameters needed to assure the safety of the players. It is also imperative that the statistics and science regarding the spread of the virus are understood to achieve the most effective mitigatory methods. One study, which compared 44 scientific analyses and 172 observations across 16 countries concluded that “transmission of viruses was lower with the physical distancing of 1m or more”, “face mask use could result in a large reduction in risk of infection” and “eye protection was associated with less infection.” [6] This type of data, in accordance with the case study provided by the MLB and NBA is extremely useful in the ideation phase of the project.

Determining the variables that are most effective is crucial to the success of our project. It is also essential that the New York Jets protocol abides by the requirements of the NFL. The NFL currently requires all players and personnel to receive conduct manuals that they must learn and adhere to [7]. Within this manual information regarding ways to protect others within the facilities, practices and games is provided, as well as the frequency of testing and travel requirements. I will establish a team that can provide all the amenities required for this project, maintain a budget, schedule effectively, test daily, mandate social distancing and mask usage, and follow mandatory regulations.

A project team is necessary to ensure all moving parts are well understood and organized in a way that will lead to a successful 2020 season. A competent “pandemic staff” will have to be put in place to fulfill the tasks required for the project. These roles include testers, monitors, cleaners, GIS specialists, health professionals, regulation instructors, and a diverse team of managers (risk, resource, cost, schedule, etc.). A staff supervisor will also be required to relay all information coming from the staff to the other parts of the divisions of the project team. Testing is an integral part of making sure players are healthy and aren’t at risk of spreading the disease. Regular testing and prompt results are necessary, as we have seen from both the MLB and NBA. Under NFL guidelines, each team will be required to administer 120 tests per day at a cost of $125 dollars per test [8]. That’s approximately 2.4 million dollars that must be properly allocated by the cost manager. Constant temperature tests will need to be administered by appointed staff and will be maintained within the schedule adopted by the project team. Also, all data must be collected to assess the results of each test and temperature check. For this, a GIS program will be constructed and used to maintain an accurate database of all player statuses. It will also be used to identify who has been in contact with the infected. For players that test positive or have a temperature of above 100.4, it is our job to ensure that they adhere to the procedures in place. This requires quarantining for at least 10 days and two negative tests 48 hours apart before being allowed to return to the field [9]. At this time no project staff will be required to check in on the infected players, however, if reason presents itself, the project team will be adaptable in its approach to keep players from further exposing others, especially other players, to the disease.

In terms of possible mass infection, this is a possible risk that must be well communicated to upper management to make sure there are contingency plans in place. Another risk that presents itself is players exposing themselves to high-risk areas. As famous personalities, it is likely that many individuals may not practice safe social distancing and mask-wearing outside of required areas (i.e. facilities, air travel, sidelines). Since it isn’t feasible to track players and personnel’s whereabouts 24/7, each player will be required to answer a few questions regarding their off-site whereabouts from the night before each day during testing. This information will be communicated to the GIS team to create a comprehensive web of player interactions and will be cross-checked with state-provided tracer organizations. If a player was in contact with a known infected, they will be immediately isolated and tested. Also, since these players are under a constant spotlight, if any instance of dishonestly is detected, that player will be reported to upper management.

In terms of practices and games, the New York Jets will be required to go above and beyond the regulation proposed by the NFL. In accordance with the data on masks and eye protection, it will be the responsibility of the scope and resource manager to make sure each Jet’s team helmet is equipped with a clear visor, and that each player will receive an Astro AI dust mask for practice and games. Custom patterned masks will be allowed for in gameplay only if requested. It is the duty of the cost manager to create a licensing agreement with Astro AI to provide custom-fit masks for the player. During practices and games, it is the duty of the pandemic staff monitors to ensure all players and personnel on the sidelines wear masks and social distance. They are to report to their supervisor if any blatant infractions are noticed. As for air travel, staff will be required to take the temperature of players before getting on the flight and masks must be worn in compliance with the NFL regulations. These flights will be thoroughly sanitized by the cleaning staff prior to the team’s arrival. It will also be the duty of the scheduling manager and scope manager to find and book appropriate living quarters for the players to stay in and to communicate with the venue that rooms must be adequately sanitized before the players’ arrival. Player’s conduct in these quarters will be comparable to the NBA bubble for the duration of their stay.

With these plans in place, the New York Jets should be able to conduct the NFL season safely and efficiently. The project team and staff will be a cross-functional and integrated team that can execute the plan put forward. Risks will be appropriately assessed and management will ensure that all necessary steps are taken to keep the New York Jets healthy. With the accommodations provided by this Pandemic Preparedness Team, I am confident that the COVID-19 case is assiduously mitigated and all the precautions taken can lead to a successful season.



Eric Fink, Sustainability Science Master’s Student at Montclair State University

I am a quantitative thinker who believes in combining mathematical analysis and abstract thinking towards solving the world’s most grueling problems. With an interest in projective modeling and risk management I am eager to tackle any challenge that presents itself.

Know more about Eric Fink here.




[1] https://www.si.com/mlb/2020/08/03/rob-manfred-baseball-coronavirus-response

[2] https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/cardinals-covid-19-outbreak-st-louis-has-


[3] https://www.thescore.com/mlb/news/1979324

[4] https://madison.com/wsj/sports/baseball/professional/some-players-will-wear-masks-during-games-this-baseball-season/article_90475f07-cb40-5af9-8022-c92b8fa2d7eb.html#:~:text=Play%20ball%20%E2%80%94%20and%20mask%20up%2C%20too.&text=MLB’s%20safety%20protocols%20require%20masks,them%20during%20games%20as%20well.

[5]       https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/nba-disney-world-rules-details-of-how-the-bubble-will-work-with-league-set-to-resume-play-in-orlando/

[6] https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31142-9/fulltext


[7] https://www.playsmartplaysafe.com/newsroom/videos/nfl-nflpa-covid-19-educational-materials/

[8] https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/07/21/report-nfl-will-spend-roughly-75-million-on-covid-19-tests/

[9] https://www.playsmartplaysafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/nfl-nflpa-covid-education_7.16.20.pdf