1. What is the purpose of www.goodprojectmanagement.com?

This website is started by Dr. Te Wu.  Prof. Wu has been teaching project management at colleges since 2006. Over this period, he has seen many solid pieces of research, analysis, and business reports by students. Many of the students have expressed interests to share their work more broadly, but there was no easy way to do so, until now. The purpose of www.goodprojectmanagement.com is to provide these students and other professionals with a platform to share their insights as well as publicize their knowledge.


Dr. Te Wu is the CEO of PMO Advisory, a Project Management Institute Global Registered Education Provider.  He is also a full-time professor at Montclair State University, a past adjunct professor at Stevens Institute of Technology and Touro Graduate School of Business, and a current visiting professor at China Europe International Business School. , please visit www.pmoadvisory.com/about-us.


2. Why should people subscribe and read articles on www.goodprojectmanagement.com?

The articles published on www.goodprojectmanagementcom are of good quality with unique insights and perspectives on a range of project management and management topics. More than just for the sake of knowledge, this site believes it is very important for all of us to engage these groups of professionals as they are or will be the leaders of tomorrow.  To read their thoughts and approaches is to understand the direction of the world which they will one day own.  So in the spirit of maintaining youth and keeping an open mind on different ideas, I believe this site will contribute to keeping the project management discipline fresh and engaging.


3. What’s in it for the content contributors:

  • Your article published on what promises to be a good site for PM knowledge. This way, you can share with your potential employer, for example, on a major piece of work.
  • You have the opportunity to include a short bio about you as well as a backlink to your preferred source, such as LinkedIn. This way, you can build your professional network.
  • If accepted, you will receive a persistent link to your article. It should be working for the next year and possibly much longer.


4. Who qualifies as contributors:

  • Any project management professionals, both current and aspiring (e.g., students and apprentices) who are willing to share their work.
  • We will screen for quality, a combination of good writing, research, interesting content and analysis, and insightfulness.
  • We will NOT be actively screening for the proprietary nature of the content. Thus, it is important for the submitter to make sure that they are not infringing on anyone’s intellectual property.


5. What is the article review process?

Our plan is to review all submissions and respond accordingly.  However, as this site is supported by PMO Advisory, the firm may become very busy and only respond to the authors of selected articles. If you did not hear back from us within 30 days, please assume we will not be publishing your article.

There are three major acceptance criteria:

  1. Content quality – This is based on a combination of insights of content and analysis, the likely interest-level, and uniqueness of the content.
  2. Appropriateness –
  3. Professional writing – We accept only professional writing, in the form of research papers, reports, analysis, and reviews. All citations must be in APA (American Psychological Association) format.


6. What is the submission process?

Please visit this page, www.goodprojectmanagement.com/submission, and complete the submission form.  Make sure all the required fields are properly filled out.

Please note that by submitting your content here, you are providing Goodprojectmanagement.com the permission to reprint and reuse your content as appropriate. Goodprojectmanagement.com may also make minor edit your content for the sake of grammar and clarity.